Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bee Update with Mail in Rebate Bonus

Start here.

Wifey has still not called the bee guy, so we went to the local "DO IT YOURSELF" hardware store, and bought some bee spray. In fact, the bee spray is normally priced at $4.79 per can. But today, it was on sale for $2.00, with a $2.00 mail in rebate = FREE. Pretty interesting.

As recent as a couple years ago I would be all over the rebate, and would send it in ASAP and set all kinds of reminders for myself to make sure I actually received the check and when the check never came, I would tell everyone how DO IT is a POS company and they effed me out of my rebate. Can you tell I am an avid conspiracy theorist with MIR's?

New Nick is not going to bother with it. I bought two cans and am entitled to receive a $4.00 rebate. Eff it. fitty cent for the stamp and 15 minutes of my time, I'm over it.

FYI, the last rebate I was entitled to and did not receive was the $300 ATT Uverse prepaid visa card they promised when I signed up. Still waiting on that one.

Bottom line, I sprayed the bees pretty good and they were not happy with me. If anymore bees are visible tomorrow, I have one more can waiting for them. And if that doesn't work, no problem - the spray is free, right?

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