Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Lights Failure

Every year I try to do a good job with our outside Christmas lights. Shortly after Turkey-day, we had a warm weekend in the 50's and I decided it would be a good day to put up the lights. Our started the project and thankfully I tested the lights early during the project, learning what not to do from Clark W Griswold.

It turns out our single front outlet is not functioning. So after about 20 minutes the project was put on hold/cancelled. I don't know why the outlet won't work and I am not motivated enough to call someone to fix it/figure it out.

So this year we have no lights outside. I am embarrassed.

We have many differenet nationalities in our subdivision, so many folks don't celebrate Christmas at all so they don't bother with lights. But as a proud Christmas supporter/believer, I feel like to not have lights up is just wrong.

Hopefully I will get that outlet fixed for next year? I put the odds at 50/50.

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