Tuesday, June 5, 2012


In the years between 2001 (post college) and 2009, I read exactly one book, "The Case for Christ." Since I received a Kindle as a gift from my mo-in-law, I have read 17 books, all non-fiction.

Snowball - Warren Buffet
On the Brink - Inside the Race to Stop the Financial Crisis - Henry Paulson
Liar's Poker - Michael Lewis
The Big Short - Michael Lewis
Toddler 411
George Bush autobiography
Lone Survivor- Marcus Luttrel - excellent!
Steve Jobs biography
Three and Out - John U Bacon
The Help
Parenting with Love and Logic
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Millionaire Mind
Kill Bin Laden
Seal Target Geronimo
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (currently reading)
Hitlerland - (plan to read next)

Needless to say, the E-reader is the way to go for me. I can't put my finger on it, but I think the ease of accessibility accounts for the majority of the change for me. You can search, download, and begin reading in minutes, and my ipad is always with me, ALWAYS.

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