Wednesday, July 25, 2012

AAPL earnings

Yesterday aapl announced their earnings, which the iphone 4s selling 26M units, which was down from the past two quarters. Is it due to an economic slowdown or because people are waiting for the iphone 5? for me, I am certainly waiitng for the iphone 5.

I definitley want a bigger screen just like the Samsung models. If the '5' is not any bigger, I think that would be a major disappointment it could signal the end of the  iphone dominance because it apears to me with the level of sales of the larger phones is staggering.

The ipad also had a sales increase of 84% over last year's number, which is amazing. what if the ipad starts outselling the iphone? For me, I have two original ipads but I don't see myself upgrading to the new ipad because I am happy with the existing model and I don't see a compelling reason to shell out another $500 for a camera and a little more speed. We've had one of them for over two years, so maybe when that one breaks I could see us replacing it, but for now, I'm good.

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