Friday, September 25, 2009

Ask Dr Lou is Horrible

Last night I was watching a few mins of the Ole Miss - South Carolina game and during halftime caught a sec of "Ask Dr Lou" and accidentally forgot to change the channel immediately (that is my policy when Lou Holtz starts talking - I can't stand his lisp and I really can't stand what he has to say).

But last night was so bad that I couldn't find the remote control fast enough. I was so eager to change the channel I was in a panic for a moment until I found it.

If you thought his normal comments were bad, please don't watch "Ask Dr Lou."

1 comment:

  1. Lou Holtz is an idiot. This guy has a great record as a coach. But the fact that he is such a Notre Dame homer makes everything he says garbage. For example he called Notre Dame this year to play for the national championship and lose in an UPSET to Florida. Even the guys on tv were laughing at him.
